Welcome. This blogsite is a place to share and extend the learning that is happening in Rm 22. It is a place for the sharing of student work, links to sites that might help you with your homework or build on things we discuss at school. There is a message board where you can communicate with the rest of the class: http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/banksaveroom22. Enjoy exploring the site and e-mail me anything you would like to share on the blog:-) Ms Watson

Thursday, September 22, 2011


In Room 22 we have been making limericks. this involves five lines on an AABBA repetition. this means that the first two lines rhyme, then the second two lines rhyme, then the last line rhymes with the first two lines.

Big Bob
There once was a man named Bob,
who really was a fat snob.
And whenever he sang,
everyone ran,
so he went in the corner and sobbed.

Canoe man
There once was a man from Peru,
who decided to make a canoe.
But he got a big fright,
to see such sight,
that he forgot to use waterproof glue!

there once was a man who was bored
who decided to make a sword
but he didn't have stone
so he had to use bone
and he got no thanks from the lord.

By Liam Johnson

poo man
there once was a man at the zoo
who sat in a pile of poo
he had a great laugh
but he was not so daft
when he found out the poo was new!

bats and hats
there once was a man with a hat
who also owned a great bat
but he found that the bat was atracted to the hat
in a most frightful manner to!

by jackson seemann

Posh Josh
There once was a man called Josh
he was incredibly posh
he ate a bee
fell from a tree
and exclaimed oh my gooly gosh

By Chevy Hira

Lame Jame
There once was a guy called Jame
he had a sty what a shame
he had 10 cents
and no pence
and that's what made him so lame

by Kobe Mallon-Marsh

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