‘ Ah mum what are those bright lights out side’ shouted Selena
‘nothing go back to sleep right now or you are grounded for a month’ Stephany shouted back
“BOOM” all of a sudden the house started to shake frantically like an earthquake one might say.
‘ get down and try get outside” said Austen in his loudest and most scared voice ever. So everyone got outside safely only one scratch because Selena fell down the stairs.
Well back to the big bang I mean boom it was a giant round spaceship
‘ mum what is that thing” whispered Selena staring at this alien like creation
‘ I …I…I don’t know” Stephany whispered back also looking at this alien like creation.
Mean while what the humans didn’t know is that two purple aliens had snuck into
their house while the humans were staring at the ship and what the humans also didn’t know was that if the ship crashed it would explode so that the humans didn’t do all their scientific stuff and find out about the aliens.
All of a sudden a low and scary voice started “scona , fera ,cora, scuscu cu teco
‘ahhhhhhhh” shouted the family as they were flushed back closer and closer to their house.
‘ what is this place?” asked Topia one of the purple aliens to her brother Goozack
‘ what is that?” questioned Goozack staring at Max
‘ bark bark” Max warned his family that someone was inside
so the humans ran inside and saw the aliens
‘H…H…Hello” stutted Stephany
‘ H…H…Hello” Topia and Goozack both stutted at the same time
‘ where are you from” Jack nervesouly asked
“ we are from planet Suntun in another galaxy with only 4 planets because all 8 planets have been made into 4 different planets because there are 2 different planets put together in one” said Goozack trying to act smart when actually topia is.
While that was all happening back on Suntun Paul (Goozack and Topias farther) was commanding orders to locate the lost ship and find his children.
Then back on earth Goozack said ‘ dads probably trying to find us I just know’
Because back on Suntun they were hot on the trail of the lost ship and they were planning when to leave and what ship to talk because this is a very important misson because Goozack and Topia are Pauls children and Paul is the king of all purple aliens.
‘Goozack what if they don’t find us what if they don’t come , Goozack I’m really scared’ whispered Topia hugging her brother and letting all his warmth come trough and lift her spirits.
While this was happening the family of humans were stareing at Goozack and Topia looking amazed ‘
‘ what ’ said Goozack ‘why are you stareing at us’
‘I don’t know’ said Jack who was stareing the most and was still stareing
then they looked outside and there was a huge space ship outside and just as the door opened Jack woke up in his bed thinking and wondering what was happening then looked outside and the dent in the grass where the space ship was was completely gone like someone had come in the middle of the night and fixed it then Jack relaiszed it was all a dream
‘come on Jack or else you will be late for school’ shouted Stephany
and at school Jack told his class about his dream and he got a lolly for shareing such a wonderful story
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