Welcome. This blogsite is a place to share and extend the learning that is happening in Rm 22. It is a place for the sharing of student work, links to sites that might help you with your homework or build on things we discuss at school. There is a message board where you can communicate with the rest of the class: http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/banksaveroom22. Enjoy exploring the site and e-mail me anything you would like to share on the blog:-) Ms Watson

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weekend greetings and Space

Hi Rm 22,
I hope that your Friday went well. I'm sorry that I wasn't there. I spent half of day in bed sick. But, I'm feeling much better today and have just baked a cheesecake ready to share tonight with my family when we watch the Crusaders play in the Super Rugby final. I have my red and black socks on and I'm hoping for a good game.
I came across this interactive history of space today and I thought that you might be interested in exploring it:
Down the bottom is a large time scaler bar. Move the mouse along this and it shifts the time forwards or backwards. Then, when you click on the coloured bars in the top box it tells you about different space shuttle missions. It is colour-coded according to the country.

I hope that your weekend sport games have gone well and that you enjoy your weekend. The dinosaur challenge will be due on Monday so you still have a couple of days to work on it if you like.

See you Monday,

Ms Watson

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