Welcome. This blogsite is a place to share and extend the learning that is happening in Rm 22. It is a place for the sharing of student work, links to sites that might help you with your homework or build on things we discuss at school. There is a message board where you can communicate with the rest of the class: http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/banksaveroom22. Enjoy exploring the site and e-mail me anything you would like to share on the blog:-) Ms Watson

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Books!!

This evening I went to a course about picture books and how to use them in the classroom, no matter what age you teach. It was a great course and there were so many wonderful books and ideas shared.
I have just been online and ordered some so that I will be able to share some of the great stories with you. Some we will be able to use in word study, some for writing, and some may be special ones that we will have as our serial story in class, or if you are very lucky, I might loan for you to take home.


  1. Hi Ms Watson its maddie and just wondering what is the website you use to find and buy books amazon something was it?
