Elena has published a report on baby elephants.
In so many ways elephants are exactly like humans. They get up to mischief and love to play .
Family members gather around . You can stand up by yourself half an hour after being born .
You are about one metre tall and weigh as much as two people .
You will find elephants in India and Africa on dry grass.
They eat grass and drink water. Some eat roots.
by Elena Wilson
Welcome. This blogsite is a place to share and extend the learning that is happening in Rm 22. It is a place for the sharing of student work, links to sites that might help you with your homework or build on things we discuss at school. There is a message board where you can communicate with the rest of the class: http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/banksaveroom22. Enjoy exploring the site and e-mail me anything you would like to share on the blog:-) Ms Watson
Elena, I really like the way you divided your report up into sections. This makes it easy for the reader to know what each section is about. Ms Watson