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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kiranjeet's Information Report

The Blue Penguin
Penguins live in Antarctica where it is cold and good for them. The South Pole is where you can find them.

Blue Penguins are small, they are only 30cm tall and only weigh 1kg. They have blue backs and a white front. The blue penguin has a flat tummy to slide on the ice to have fun. It also has flippers to swim fast in the water and to catch fish. The Blue penguin eats , squid and krill. It’s main and favourite fish is called lantern. Each year the Blue penguin grows an new coat. Their old feathers fall out. They can’t hunt for food in the water until their new coat grows back. Penguins are very funny animals. They give lots of entertainment to humans.

Penguins communicate with vocalization, they pick up sounds. They have bad hearing so they use their eyesight. Penguins see on land and water. Penguins see colour they are good at smelling. If penguins look to the sun, they can get sunburned. They cover their feet with their flippers. That is why the colours are young and different to Adult penguins.They don’t have layers of fat to protect them from the sun.

The Blue penguin lives in the south pole. They are funny animals

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