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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Elena's Information Report


Snakes are part of the reptile family. Rattlesnakes are also part of the viper group. There are many colours and patterns.

Snakes move with their muscles and the large scales underneath them. These scales help them to grip on to rocks and move easily along the rough ground.

Rattlesnakes keep their eggs inside their bodies and give birth to live babies in the summer. They have 2 to 25 babies in the late summer. Baby snakes sometimes look a little different. As they grow up the colour of their scales changes to be the same as their mother.

Rattlesnakes live in North and South America and are usually found in the wilderness.

Rattlesnakes open their mouths as wide as possible when they eat. They eat woodrats lizards rabbits frogs and eggs from other animals.

Rattlesnakes are very interesting reptiles. They like to live in the wild and do not eat humans. But don't get to close to them as if they are disturbed they will bite and this will hurt and may even kill you.

By Elena Wilson

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