Welcome. This blogsite is a place to share and extend the learning that is happening in Rm 22. It is a place for the sharing of student work, links to sites that might help you with your homework or build on things we discuss at school. There is a message board where you can communicate with the rest of the class: http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/banksaveroom22. Enjoy exploring the site and e-mail me anything you would like to share on the blog:-) Ms Watson

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sport, grammar and other Saturday thoughts...

Hi Rm 22,
I know that it is winter when I find myself needing a blanket over my legs while I work on my computer! I hope that you are all keeping warm.
How did sport go this weekend? I know that some of you had some big games (and that Josh had a trip all the way to Hanmer for his rugny!). Post on our wall and let the rest of the class know how the games went.
I have just marked the homework that was handed in on Friday. Some people have put an incredible amount of time and effort into it which is very pleasing:-) I have noticed that a number of you are still finding getting the correct tenses tricky (past, present, future). So, I have re-posted a link to some activities and games that you can use to help you improve this knowledge.

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